THE BEATITUDES (10) – The Merciful (2)

The Merciful (2)

3) Other kinds of mercy

We should have mercy on those who are sick and pray for them. We should have mercy on unbelievers and preach the gospel to them even if they persecute and curse at us. They persecute because they do not know the truth. If we do not have mercy and evangelize them, they will fall into hell.

Also, we should have mercy on not only those who are around us but also all the souls in the whole world and pray for them.

  1. God will show His mercy to you

Those who are merciful will be shown mercy. This means they will receive God’s mercy.

Because King Hezekiah did good works, when God told him that he would die, he was able to have his life extended for 15 years when he repented and prayed to God. We, who believe in Jesus Christ, have already received great mercy from God. If God had not had mercy on us and forgiven us, we would have fallen into hell and suffered forever.

But we were forgiven and saved without any cost to us just by believing in Jesus Christ as God’s one and only Son.

Also, even if you believers break the heart of God by committing sins, He always waits for you to repent and turn back like a father waiting for a prodigal son. So, if you just turn back and repent deep in your heart and come back to God, He will not say, “You disappointed me” or “You committed this many sins.” He says He will forget as far as the east is from the west. The east will never meet the west. It is so far the ends cannot be seen. God will not remember just as far as the east is from the west.

If you show mercy, God will show His mercy to you. You do not know what you will face in future. If the Father has mercy on you, you will receive forgiveness.

John 13:34 says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Those who know the love of the Lord cannot but give that love they received from the Lord to the brothers. If you become merciful, your every step will give out the scent of the Christ.

Like a rose that bloomed in wilderness, you will bloom in the warm and soft love of the Lord in this rough world, so that many people will gain life and comfort. Then, God will remember your deeds, have mercy on you and bless you in everything.

He will forgive your wrongdoings, fill your needs, and bless your businesses and workplaces. He will also give you spiritual and physical health. I urge you to have mercy in your heart and practice it. I pray in the name of the Lord that you will receive mercy and blessings from God who is full of love and mercy.

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