THE BEATITUDES (11) The Pure (1)

The Pure (1)

  1. Who are the pure in heart?

First of all, we should try our best to live according to God’s word with our own effort. Through fervent prayers, we should receive God’s strength and grace, and the help of the Holy Spirit. When we keep on following the truth in that way, our deeds will be holy, and the sinful nature in our heart will be cast off to make our heart clean.

  1. For they shall see God

What kind of blessings are we going to receive when we have clean and pure heart by the Word of God and prayers? It is said we will see God. Do you all want to see God? If you love God and the Lord, you will obviously want to see them. How happy and glad it would be to meet God, talk to Him, and be embraced by Him!

In Judges 13:22, Samson’s father Manoah said after seeing the angel of the LORD, “We will surely die, for we have seen God.” Also, John 1:18 says, “No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.”

A sinner cannot see God. Also, we will be able to see God’s original being later, only after we get to the kingdom of heaven. But even after we enter into the heavenly kingdom, those who have gone only into paradise or the 1st and 2nd kingdoms of heaven cannot see Him. Only those who are in New Jerusalem and the 3rd kingdom will be able to see Him.

But on this earth, there are some occasions in which we can see God. Although it is not seeing the original body of God who is at His throne in heaven, the Spirit of the Father meets us and lets us see His image. Exodus 33:11 says, “Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.”

God spoke to Moses as a man speaks with his friend. When God came upon this earth, the people of Israel did not dare to go near, but Moses saw Him face to face. Also, Enoch walked with God for three hundred years. During that time God must have shown Himself to him because He loved Enoch very much.

Why, then, is it that some people cannot see God or even die when they see God whereas others see God face to face and even walk with Him? Those who are pure in heart can see God, and oppositely, those who are stained with sins and unclean in their heart cannot see God. So, 3 John 1:11 says, “Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.”

Although we do not see the original body of God the Father who is on the heavenly throne, we see only His spirit on this earth, but it is also such a great blessing! Why? It is not only joyful to see God the Father whom we love, but when He shows Himself to us, He will not come empty-handed.

If we cast off all sins from our heart and make our hearts pure, we will not receive these blessings just once. We will receive overflowing blessings like Enoch, who walked with God for three hundred years. So, each moment of our lives would be filled with thanks and testimonies.

So, seeing God in today’s passage does not only mean that we will see the image of God the Father with our spiritual eyes. It also means we will receive the answers to what we ask for in prayer. Namely, it is to meet and experience the living God.

When you testify that you have met and experienced the living God, it does not only mean that you have seen God with your eyes. It means you have experienced God’s works answering the prayers of His children with His power and divinity. Jeremiah 29:12-13 says, “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. ‘You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” The Bible clearly states He will listen when we cry out.

That is why even our Lord prayed so earnestly until his sweat became drops of blood. The disciples also cried out in their prayers. Even when he was at the doorstep of death, Stephen called out ‘Lord’ loudly. Our Lord also cried in loud voice even on the cross.

God says He will answer to those who cry out to Him. In some cases, even though they are new-believers and do not live in truth, they receive answers to their prayers. Even if they have not become fully sanctified with about 30%, 50%, or 80% sanctification, they meet and experience God in their own measure of faith. For example, no matter how rich the parents are and how much they love their children, they cannot give millions of dollars to their little children as pocket money.

On the contrary, if the grown up children act exactly according to the parents’ desires, the parents can give as much as they want. That is, if their parents are able to give. But even for little children while growing up, if they act in a particularly loving way, do something to be praised, or when they may need to buy something, parents can give an amount that is appropriate for them to have.

Similarly, if God’s children become fully sanctified and grow up to have a full measure of faith, they will receive answers to the desires of their heart and they can even perform with God’s power.

Also, even if you are not fully sanctified, to the extent that you please God in your measure of faith, God will give you grace. You will receive answers to your prayers as you pray earnestly and experience the living God by receiving gifts of the Holy Spirit like speaking in tongues. You will be filled with the Holy Spirit through these experiences and purify your heart more and more.

The blessing of meeting God has partially fallen upon you. But if you truly love God, you will not be satisfied with this level of faith of a child. You should try your best to cast off sins and become quickly sanctified to become matured children who are pleasing in God’s sight. God will delight over you if you become this kind of child. It is because now through you too God can accomplish His purpose of human cultivation that He had been conducting in such great agony and with heartbreaking pains for an immeasurable amount of time since the very beginning. Now, God can let you experience answers and blessings with His mighty power. 

2 Corinthians 7:1 says, “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”

We, who have received the promise of salvation, resurrection, and blessings through Jesus Christ, should purify ourselves and clean ourselves. This is the way to fulfill God’s promise of blessings.

The reason why many believers do not receive blessings is that they do not purify their heart. If those who have not purified their heart receive blessings, they commit more sins and they stay away from God. Also, the enemy devil and Satan will raise objections before God for giving blessings to those who have not prepared their vessels. If we do not purify our heart first, God cannot give us blessings no matter how much He wants to bless us.

In some cases, you pray a lot so that God is letting you know the ways to receive answers, but you cannot receive since you do not hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. If your heart is clean, you will not only see God but also clearly hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Even if you don’t hear Holy Spirit’s voice clearly, God will stop you from making mistakes. To the extent that we have untruth in our heart, we will have fleshly thoughts so that we will not hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. If we hear the voice and go the way that God lets us know, we will soon receive blessings and answers. But since we do not hear the voice, we act on our own so that answers are delayed.

I hope you will get rid of all uncleanness and accomplish heart that is as pure and beautiful as crystal so that you will be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit clearly. In this way, you should give glory to God like a tree planted by the waters always receiving answers and blessings.

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